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Video Surveillance Cameras

TCSware is committed to the safety of all public and private organizations, but with a unique focus on the educational sector. TCSware utilizes both cloud-based systems and on-site solutions to provide video surveillance of all buildings on any size campus. These state-of-the-art cameras have facial recognition, license plate capture, and allow access to your cameras anywhere and anytime through the internet and Android and IOS phone apps. The ability to share live video with law enforcement and other first responders in times of crisis is crucial to the timely response and seconds save lives.

Whether you are a college, university, K-12 school or a private or public organization, TCSware can assist you in managing your sites and providing a safer environment for everyone.

Door Access Control & Monitoring

TCSware is proud to offer cloud-based and on-site access control systems to increase the security of any buildings on your property. Having one platform to control access to doors, paired with video surveillance, audio systems, and video intercoms allows our products to be an all-in-one system. The security of your buildings is paramount, and the ability to monitor and control access to key doors or critical areas is of the utmost importance on a day-to-day basis. This single pane of glass system allows users to manage their video surveillance cameras, access control doors, alarm systems, sensors, and much, much more.

The integration of all systems together or the implementation of one solution can improve safety and mitigate the likelihood of an incident occurring or decrease the response time of first responders to an incident on your campus.

Cellular Boosting & Data Enhancement

TCSware is firmly committed to the safety of our children in all environments. Most buildings are communication challenged with little or no cellular signal inside. This lack of cellular signal prohibits faculty and staff from communicating with administrators or first responders in times of crisis or on a day-to-day basis. Our cellular boosting and data enhancement systems allow teachers and staff to acquire a stronger cellular signal and broader coverage throughout all buildings and other areas.

In times of crisis, communication is critical, and our cellular boosting system enhances cellular signals and coverage for a multitude of phone carriers.



TCSware understands that not all threats are life threatening, but are still important to the well-being of everyone in an organization. Sensors and audio devices are crucial to administrators to monitor, detect, and communicate about problems and react in a timely manner to each instance. Sensors to detect vaping, motion, environmental monitoring, and audio (intercom) gateways allow administrators to communicate and monitor situations across entire campuses in one system during and after normal hours of operation.


Smart Buttons

TCSware has partnered with companies providing the latest, cutting-edge technology to assist organizations to detect, respond and communicate in times of crisis. These Smart Buttons for Alerts provide instantaneous alerts to a multitude of people and can be programmed to notify administrators, law enforcement, 911, and other emergency services in time of crisis.

This technology saves time for notifications and thus saves lives.

Cyber Security

TCSware has been a leader in the cyber security world for over two decades. We provide interactive solutions, including firewalls and cyber security software to constantly monitor your network and provide real-time detection and notification of problems. This real-time monitoring and detection allows us to generate daily and weekly analysis reports of traffic on the network as well as problems across the network. Identifying problems in real-time and acting on them immediately is our goal. We also provide cloud-based server backup systems which allow organizations to confidently keep their data off-site in case of a disaster at your physical location.

IT Services & Support

TCSware employs a team of highly trained technicians who provide onsite and offsite support for all products under our cyber security blanket. We also provide support and services for other systems such as Microsoft servers and personal computers. TCSware provides law enforcement, power companies, emergency and ambulance services, a Panasonic tough, ruggedized computer system for deployment in all types of vehicles.

Wired & Wireless Networks

TCSware provides state-of-the-art wireless and wired solutions for your facilities with our highly skilled technicians. Our solutions include pin scan documentation and wire mapping so it is evident where each wire/cable pull originates and terminates. We also utilize the latest technology for access points and wifi point-to-point internet systems.

Our goal is to make your wired and wireless network as user-friendly and efficient as possible.


Simply give us a call at (601) 932-8271 or email us your contact information at info@tcsware.com. We will contact you and discuss your needs and schedule a meeting. We will contact you promptly to discuss your needs and schedule a consultation.